Monday, February 23, 2009


I have a friend who assumes that her friend is in an abusive relationship. She called me and said she had some real "dirt" to tell me. I got all excited thinking that I was going to hear something interesting, Uhh, not so!

First off abuse is not dirt. It is a serious act that should never be taken lightly.
Second, did anyone hear the word "assume.
That means that we do not know!!!!

10 Things That Need To Happen If You Suspect That Your Friend Is An Abusive Relationship!

  1. Go to a reputable online site about abuse and read up on signs of abuse and what to do in this situation.

  2. Call your friend more often and try to make lunch dates.
  3. Listen
  4. Initially give no advise. This is not about what you would do or what you think you would do. I am sure their are a number of situations where you did not do what was best.
  5. Look for signs of physical abuse like bruises. Long sleeve shirts in the summer time. Sunglasses at night. (I know its cool now but it looks stupid).
  6. Do not judge. This will call them to pull back. Share stories when you were in tough situations.
  7. Never talk negatively partner. They really may be in love and it is not for you to decide what love is or should be.
  8. Talk openly about how much you care for this person, letting them know that no matter what happens in life you will be their for them, even in the middle of the night. Leave the door open for communication.
  9. Remember that abuse affects self esteem and lack of self-esteem perpetuate abuse. Find positive things to say about your friend.
  10. Never give up on your friend even if you have to be in the background.

    **** My friend should have never told me about this. She should have been too busy trying to find out if this physical abuse was true.

1 comment:

Jay said...

I was involved in a peer helping program in high school which prepared us to deal with abuse among, spouse, friends and others. We didn't deal directly with the problem, but had the counseling to understand and where and who to direct the problem to so the person could seek help confidentially look for the Youth Development Center Queens branch for more info