Thursday, May 14, 2009


It is so important to know who you are before you can be in a successful relationship.  One of the ways I believe you can get the ball rolling is to spend a wonderful night alone.  Here are few suggestions:

  1. Be alone.  Alone means alone, not with the kids and not on the phone.  Not in your bedroom while your husband watches the game in the living room.  Kick everybody out and be alone.
  2. Choose a good movie.  Something that will make you happy, not some heartbreak love story.  A feel good movie.
  3. Cook yourself a good meal. Something in the supermarket that you would not by normally for the family.  Maybe two lobsters or a nice piece of salmon.  Splurge with a glass a wine, while listening to your favorite music.  I don't drink alcohol so I will bust open a bottle of cider.
  4. Take a bubble bath with your favorite bath oils.  This bath is not about washing. This is about luxuriating and just letting the problems of life disappear for a little while.
  5. Sit on your bed, find your best lotion and rub yourself down.
  6. find your best pajamas.  I love pajamas.  If you don't like pajamas walk around naked.
  7. Have a fashion show.  Try on your clothes and make yourself a supermodel.  Just let go and have fun.
  8. Okay, have you ever sang into a brush.  Turn up the radio and sing like Whitney Houston.  And IIIIIIIIIIIII will always love  you.  Have fun.
  9. Satisfy yourself.  OK I said it. I really believe that as a woman in order to be truly satisfied you have to know what satisfies you and yes I am talking about sexually.  Please yourself and enjoy it.
  10. Lay in your bed and reflect on all of the things that you like to do. Remember who you are.  Thing about the different types of partners that will compliment you.  Fall asleep loving you.

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