Monday, May 18, 2009

10 Things to be Grateful for During a Recession!

It is always easy to complain and only see the negative things that are happening around us, but right now our entire country is feeling the effects of greed and selfishness. In the midst of that it is still important to find positive energy and too always be grateful for nothing therefore grateful for everything! Here are just a few things I believe we still need to be grateful for during a recession.

1. If you have a job say Amen. Many people have lost their jobs and have no idea where the next buck is coming from.

2. If you were able to get unemployment say Amen. It is not what you are used to living off of but is something.

3. If you have a roof over your head say Amen. During this recession many people are losing their homes and those of us who still get to go home and kick up our feet and turn on the heat or the air-conditioner need to thank the heavens.

4. If you are still able to put food on the table, again say Amen. I have met people who have always provided for their families without government help and are now forced to put pride aside and get food stamps and or wait on food pantry lines.

5. If you are able to get government assistance like food stamps. Their are many families struggling yet unable to get help.

6. If you have a family around you say Amen. Family reminds us that we are not perfect and they are there so we do not have to go through these experiences together.

7. Ladies if you can still go to the hair dresser, say Amen (twice). This means that the recession is not affecting you at all. We still have surplus income and can afford some luxuries. Listen I stopped by lunch so I could go to the beauty parlor. LOL.

8. If you have your health. Many people are suffering because health bills are draining them spiritually and financially. Healthy people, even if you do not have a job are able to get up and still look for work.

9. I hope I don't sound racist but if you are black during this recession be grateful. We come from a people that have always made a way out of no-way. Say Amen.

10. If you have realized that not having as much forces you to spend more time with your family. Yes, we can't go to the movies as often but we can make a special dinner at home and watch a movie together. We can talk more and make ourselves more vulnerable. We can have pillow fights and remember a time when our lives were not consumed with stuff.

P.S. If you have realized that God is trying to get your attention and make you realize what is really important, say Amen!.

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