Monday, May 11, 2009


Rules, Rules and more rules. Rules are everywhere;most for our protection, some I haven't figured out their need. Like why is it legal to smoke cigarettes that will kill the smoker and those around the smoker and not Weed which only makes you slow and snacky. I don't smoke but I don't get it. Anyway, let me get back on track because this is not about that today. Today I want to know why people know most of the unwritten rules to life but still choose to enter Pandora's box. With that said, keep it up, keep not listening and don't heed this list of things that "MIGHT" make somebody kill you!

  1. If you cheat and get caught in the act, in the bed you share with your mate
  2. Contracting an STD
  3. Molesting someones child
  4. Raping someones loved one
  5. Stealing the Rent Money
  6. Allowing a man to pay child support for a child you know is not his and he finds out it's not.
  7. Murdering a loved one
  8. Snitching. Live by the sword die by the sword!
  9. Being stood up at the alter and you find out you can't get a refund.
  10. These days, ladies if you marry a man and he loses his job, he might kill you!

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